
Student Journey  |  This month

Read about R.S.’ journey in pursuing his passion in Biochemistry and applying to both US and UK universities.

Pre-Uni School



R.S. studied at a junior college in Singapore.

National Service



When he was serving his National Service, R.S. approached IvyPrep to help him with applying to his target universities in the US and UK.




R.S. began working with IvyPrep in July 2020 on both his US and UK applications. He has a strong academic background that is complemented by his extensive extracurricular activities in STEM. However, his profile had a singular focus and he asked us for help on demonstrating a well-rounded profile. He was certain he wanted to pursue biochemistry but was not sure which university to go to.

Our initial session gave him insights into different higher education systems and advised him on avenues to continue his research based on his academic aspirations. We then formulated application strategies for both the US and UK; US applications are more holistic while UK applications focused on his subject of interest.

In order to help him showcase his personality and academic goals, we went through rigorous feedback sessions and numerous drafts to highlight a cohesive and effective path of impact for both applications. Both his UK and US applications reflected that he is a thoughtful, well-read candidate who is interested in applying biochemistry for social causes.

R.S. was thrilled with his admissions results and chose the university that was best suited for his goals.

Admissions Results










  • University of Oxford, MBioChem